
Title / The Martyrdom of St Sebastian


Date /  May 2019


Description / A car bonnet being penetrated by arrows composed of brass and steel


Exhibited / Castlefield Gallery New Art Space ~ Trafford Centre, Manchester

"manchester art" 'john carney" "john carney art" "john carney artist" "manchester art" "manchester artists" "sculpture" "contemporary art"
"manchester art" 'john carney" "john carney art" "john carney artist" "manchester art" "manchester artists" "sculpture" "contemporary art"


"manchester art" 'john carney" "john carney art" "john carney artist" "manchester art" "manchester artists" "sculpture" "contemporary art"
"manchester art" 'john carney" "john carney art" "john carney artist" "manchester art" "manchester artists" "sculpture" "contemporary art"


Title / The Martyrdom of St Sebastian


Date /  May 2019


Description / A car bonnet being penetrated by arrows composed of brass and steel.


Exhibited / Castlefield Gallery New Art Space ~ Trafford Centre, Manchester

"manchester art" 'john carney" "john carney art" "john carney artist" "manchester art" "manchester artists" "sculpture" "contemporary art"
"manchester art" 'john carney" "john carney art" "john carney artist" "manchester art" "manchester artists" "sculpture" "contemporary art"


Title / The Martyrdom of St Sebastian


Date /  May 2019


Description / A car bonnet penetrated by arrows composed of brass and steel.


Exhibited / Castlefield Gallery New Art Space ~ Trafford Centre, Manchester

"manchester art" 'john carney" "john carney art" "john carney artist" "manchester art" "manchester artists" "sculpture" "contemporary art"
"manchester art" 'john carney" "john carney art" "john carney artist" "manchester art" "manchester artists" "sculpture" "contemporary art"